Arends A, Cosser M, (2012) Data consideration for education and labour market indicators. Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa

Author(s):  Arends A, Cosser M
Publication year: 

Education and labour market planning cannot take place in a vacuum. As the Department of Higher
Education’s (DHET’s) Green Paper for Post-school Education and Training (DHET, 2012: 81) puts it,
“The foundation of any planning process is the existence of comprehensive, accurate, integrated and
effectively analysed data.” The data collection process, however, depends fundamentally on the
formulation of indicators – means for measuring and comparing various phenomena. This is the first
step in the process of arriving at the kind of data for planning purposes envisaged by the DHET.
The paper begins by defining indicators in general. It then proceeds to discuss “education indicators”
and “labour market indicators” in separate sections and considers the data requirements and data
quality for the development of an indicator system in each section.

Type(s):  Paper