Conference Invitation: Transforming post school education and training: Towards an alternative vision

Event date: 
Thursday, 18 May 2017 - 8:00am to Friday, 19 May 2017 - 1:00pm

Kopanong Conference Centre in Benoni, Johannesburg

Dear Prospective Delegate

On behalf of the Education Policy Consortium (EPC), please accept our invitation to the Transforming post school education and Training: Towards an alternative vision conference scheduled for 18 - 19 May 2017 at Kopanong Conference Centre in Benoni, Johannesburg.

The conference is hosted by the EPC, a research partnership comprising the Centre for Education Policy Development (CEPD), the Centre for Education Rights and Transformation (CERT) at the University of Johannesburg, the Centre for Integrated Post School Education and Training (CIPSET) at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, the Centre for Researching Education and Labour (REAL) at the University of Witwatersrand and the Nelson Mandela Institute for Education and Rural Development (NMI). The EPC has been actively involved in producing and publishing research, stimulating dialogues and critically engaging in activities in the post school education and training sector towards developing an alternative vision. The conference is one such occasion.

The conference is aimed at showcasing research conducted by the EPC over the last four years. The research looked at alternatives to the current and dominant conceptions and trends in post school education and training through the exploration of lived experiences in education, work and society. The conference will include a focus on conceptualisations, methodologies and approaches that contribute to debates towards transforming post school education and training in ways that could best serve society. The EPC researchers will present a wide range of papers that will stimulate debate around the following sub-themes:

  • Building progressive capacity in PSET: The EPC‘s approach towards an alternative PSET system 
  • Searching for alternative approaches to education, labour markets and socially useful work
  • Students in service: The feasibility of community service in higher education

  • Renewing workers education

  • Critical literacy for critical times

  • Socially engaged scholarship

  • Emerging Voices (Living and Learning: towards an alternative vision for PSET)

  • Building a multidisciplinary community education.


It will therefore be an honour and a privilege if you could join us in these deliberations. 

Please note that there are no conference fees to be paid by delegates, but travel and accommodation costs are for the account of delegates and must be arranged by delegates themselves. We would be glad to answer any questions you may have and provide necessary clarifications where needed. Each delegate should please complete the attached response form.

Conference Organisation and Contact Person
The contact person at CEPD is Mrs Molatelo Motswe and the deadline for responses is Friday 28 April 2017.
Contact details
Tel: +27 11 482 3060
Fax: +27 11 482 3068
Email: [email protected]