The LMIP-DHET Skills Planning Week 2016 consisted of a research colloquium and five specialist workshops. On the agenda was 'How to plan to meet South Africa's skills needs'.
Research Colloquium on Skills Planning
29-30 September 2016
Birchwood Conference Centre (King Shaka room at the Domestic Centre) Johannesburg
The Department of Higher Education and Training and the Human Sciences Research Council convened a research colloquium to create a new space for researchers, policy makers, planners, educators and trainers to engage, by sharing frameworks, approaches and practices of skills planning.
In a global and local economy it is important to understand what types of key occupations, and accompanying qualifications and skills, are required to support inclusive social development, economic growth, trade and investment. Since 1994 there have been efforts to plan for skills development in South Africa, but skills planning mechanisms have failed to operate as effectively as anticipated.
The DHET’s commitment to lead a process to establish a credible institutional mechanism for skills planning represents a coherent attempt to develop a centralised approach to skills planning that links decision making to the outputs of an embryonic Labour Market Intelligence System. The complexity of the task, starting on a weak and fragmented base, is well recognised, and it will take time to establish and strengthen the necessary institutional conditions and capabilities for skills planning.
The Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP) has produced significant research over the past four years, to strengthen the evidence base over the medium to long term. Researchers have proposed an architecture and framework for decision making, skills planning indicators and methodologies, skills forecasting, and piloted new labour market information datasets and systems that need to be developed over time. They have also contributed critical labour market intelligence, on the changing nature of work and occupations, on attitudes to employment, on institutional responsiveness and interactive capabilities, and on transitions to the labour market. Such research is critical to develop approaches and methodologies appropriate to South African contextual realities.
The DHET and its entities are faced by immediate questions to determine where there are skills mismatches, shortages and gaps, and their researchers and planners have developed ways to inform planning and funding decisions across the post-school education and training system.
The colloquium thus provides an opportunity to share the emerging evidence, and engage with what is possible and desirable. The main purpose is to inform and support the skills planning policy and practice of DHET and its entities, at varying levels and in varying spaces.
Presentations made at the colloquium can be accessed here using the keyword "colloquium".
Specialist Workshops
27-29 September 2016
University of Witwatersand & Birchwood Conference Centre, Johannesburg
Five specialist workshops took place on 27 and 28 September.
These were aimed at promoting in-depth and more technical engagement between researchers and practitioners around skills planning data, methodologies and practices, informed by evidence from research conducted over the past four years by LMIP teams.
Tuesday, 27 September University of Witwatersrand |
Workshop 1 09h00 to 16h00 |
Asghar Adelzadeh, ADRS |
LM-EM: A Linked Macroeconomic skills forecasting model for South Africa |
Wednesday, 28 September Birchwood Conference Centre |
Workshop 2a 09h00 to 13h00
Hersheela Narsee, DHET
Methodologies to identify skills needs
Workshop 2b 09h00 to 13h00
Mike Rogan, Neil Aggett Labour Studies, Rhodes University |
Institutionalising mechanisms to track transitions from education and training, into the labour market |
Focus on tracer studies from TVET, HE and workplace learning programmes:
Workshop 3a 13h30 to 16h30
Mariette Visser, HSRC Mampho Khuluvhe, DHET |
Data and information needs for skills planning to create more credible labour market information |
Workshop 3b 13h30 to 16h30
Glenda Kruss, Education and Skills Development, HSRC |
Partnerships and networks to support SETAs and TVET colleges |
Research guides to inform SETA and TVET strategies:
Presentations made at these workshops can be accessed here using the keyword "colloquium".