LMIP research featured in Development Southern Africa journal

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

LMIP research leaders, Haroon Bhorat, Vijay Reddy and Glenda Kruss, have edited a Special Issue of Development Southern Africa.

The collection draws together research from across a range of LMIP projects that critically interrogate aspects of skills planning and development in South Africa. 

The issue includes the following articles:

Powell, M,, Reddy V., and Juan, A. Skills in South Africa: The journey towards credible planning. 

Bhorat, H., Cassim A,, and Tseng, D. Higher education, employment and economic growth: Exploring the interactions. 

Paterson, A. and Visser, M. Utilisation of administrative and research databases in government departments: Providing the platform for skills planning. 

Rogan, M. and Reynolds, J. Schooling inequality, higher education and the labour market: Evidence from a graduate tracer study in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. 

Gastrow M, Kruss, G,, and Petersen, I. Connecting capabilities in highly unequal developing countries: The case of the Square Kilometre Array telescope in South Africa. 

Wedekind, V. and Mutereko, S. Higher education responsiveness through partnerships with industry: The case of a university of technology programme. 

Wildschut, A. and Meyer, T. The changing nature of artisanal work and occupations: Important for understanding labour markets. 

Petersen, I., Kruss, G., McGrath, S. and Gastrow, M. Bridging skills demand and supply in South Africa: The role of public and private intermediaries.