Dear colleague,
Our work with DHET and other stakeholders has moved into a more intensive phase of engagement, as our research informs and influences the shape of a centralised skills planning mechanism.
The LMIP hosted a policy roundtable on 17 February 2016, on curriculum responsiveness. It proved to be a robust and stimulating space for stakeholders to discuss success stories and identify constraints affecting the relationship between TVET colleges and employers, to inform curricula that strengthen the employability and employment prospects of students. In this issue, Volker Wedekind and Sybert Mutereko provide highlights from their research on curriculum responsiveness and employability. We share a presentation by Ken Duncan that proposes why employers and TVET colleges should partner to mutual benefit. To take some of these ideas further, Riaan De Klerk, responsible for workplace training in a large South African firm, and Thirushen Odayar, a lecturer in a TVET college, draw on their experience to share insights on partnership and employability.
The LMIP has organised a series of vibrant seminars over the coming months, with the intention of showcasing the high-quality and cutting-edge research delivered, and to identify policy implications. We look forward to robust engagements with different stakeholders. All the research reports and activities planned can be found on our website ( – and do make sure to stay up-to-date with our latest thinking and research on our Twitter feed (@LMIP_RSA).
Yours sincerely,
Vijay Reddy
Executive Director