The Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP) proposed a credible skills planning mechanism consisting of two dimensions:
- a labour market intelligence system (LMIS) concerned with the collection, collation, analysis and dissemination of information and
- a decision making process, based on labour market intelligence to determine where and how resources are allocated for skills development.
In order to achieve this, we propose a National Skills Planning and Intelligence Unit (NaSPIU). The broad functions of such a unit would be to:
- Develop a scarce skills/ occupations in high demand list;
- Develop Key Indicators of Skills Planning to support the skills planning processes at the national, sectoral, occupational, provincial, employer and provider level;
- Establish how data will be collected, collated and analysed in a format that can inform the planning process;
- Track occupational and other skills trends in the labour market;
- Understand the supply of skills at different levels, covering formal institutions, private training providers and the workplace;
- Provide indicative forecasts of future skill requirements;
- Identify the skill implication of government’s industrial and trade strategies;
- Track regional dimensions to skills in demand;Monitor the implementation progress of different skills strategies.
The proposed National Skills Planning and Intelligence Unit should be established and start off with the following sub-units:
- Skills Planning and Liaison sub-unit;
- Research and Analysis sub-unit and
- Labour Market Intelligence and Reporting sub-unit.