Establishing a credible mechanism for skills planning in South Africa
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AATP post trade test tracer study: Final Report
Analysis of workplace skills plans (WSP) and annual training reports (ATR) for merseta member companies 2005-2007
Annexure A: Impact study: Motor Research Report: Employment and educational and skills audit of the merSETA Motor Chamber
Annexure B: Supply and Demand Analysis: Motor Research Report: Employment and educational and skills audit of the merSETA Motor Chamber
Annexure C: Implementation: Motor Research Report: Employment and educational and skills audit of the merSETA Motor Chamber
MerSETA ABET Project final report
MerSETA disability research project
MerSETA regional sector skills plan: Eastern Cape Region
MerSETA regional sector skills plan: Gauteng-North West Region
MerSETA regional sector skills plan: KZN Region
MerSETA regional sector skills plan: Mpumalanga-Limpopo Region
MerSETA regional sector skills plan: Northern Cape and Free State Region
MerSETA regional sector skills plan: Synthesis Report
MerSETA regional sector skills plan: Western Cape Region
MerSETA Research Symposium on FET Colleges, Industry and Employability: Emerging Perspectives
MerSETA: HIV/AIDS Pilot Project
MerSETA: Learnerships and apprenticeships impact assessment step down report
MerSETA: Metal Chamber Research Project
Studying artisans in the manufacturing, engineering and related services sector
Synopsis: Motor Research Report: Employment and educational and skills audit of the merSETA Motor Chamber
The impact of the 2008/9 global economic crisis on merSETA firms
Tracer Study Final Report