Establishing a credible mechanism for skills planning in South Africa
LMIP publications
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2016 Colloquium
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A low growth trap amidst the skills challenge in South Africa
A new approach to the evaluation of Vocational Education and Training
Adult education: Who accesses it and where do they progress to after?
Barriers and bottlenecks: Understanding youth transitions in the post-compulsory phase of school
Briefing to the minister of the department of higher education and training
Building labour market intelligence for skills planning: Recommendations from evidence
Building on the capacity of the state through parnerships: The Labour Market Intelligence Project
Capabilities, innovation and skills development: towards a new approach to planning post school education and training in South Africa
CHE response to key findings of the implementation of the NQF Act
CHIETA response to the implementation of the NQF Act
CHIETA's Credible Mechanism for Skills Planning. Presentation made at Policy Roundtable 7 - SETA Labour Market Survey Pilot: Moving Toward Better Labour Market Information and Intelligence
Curriculum responsiveness and student employability in VET: Preliminary findings from three case studies
Demand Side Planning Considerations on the Skills Planning Mechanism
DHET Colloquium presentation on National Qualifications Framework
DHET Colloquium presentation on National Qualifications Framework
DHET response - presentation to HRDC
DHET Response to HRDC SSRTTT3 (Skills System Review): Building an expanded, effective, and integrated post school education and training system
Draft national maritime road map/Oceans economy lab coordination strategy session
Enhancing curriculum responsiveness to local Skills needs: Towards a manual for DHET
Enhancing the Implementation of the SA NQF
Enhancing the implementation of the South African National Qualifications Framework: Background
Enhancing the implementation of the South African NQF
Enhancing the implementation of the South African NQF
Enhancing the implementation of the South African NQF: Findings and recommendations
Feedback on preliminary findings
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