1. High-Level Audit of Administrative Datasets โ A. Paterson, M. Visser, F. Arends, M. Mthethwa, T .Twalo and T. Nampala
Administrative datasets are valuable resources for skills planning. The Labour Market Intelligence Partnership programme (LMIP) conducted an audit of potential datasets in 27 national government departments and entities, to investigate their relevance and assess options for linking into a skills planning mechanism. There are datasets that are relevant and immediately usable. Others are highly relevant but require some preparation; while yet others contain relevant variables but are currently undergoing validation and cleaning before they can be utilised. Finally, some datasets are at an early stage of evolution and will require further development. This audit thus identifies the strongest datasets to be linked into an evolving Labour Market Information System, contributing to the development of a more powerful data environment to support skills planning.
Click here to access the report.
2. Pathways through University and into the Labour Market: Report on a graduate tracer study from the Eastern Cape โ
M. Rogan, J. Reynolds, U. du Plessis, R. Bally and K. Whitfield
Click here to access the report.
3. International Comparative Analysis of Skills Planning Indicator Systems โ C. Sharrock and S. Chabane
Click here to access the report.
A range of LMIP outputs may be found on the project website: lmip.org.za.