Establishing a credible mechanism for skills planning in South Africa
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Policy Briefs
Enhancing employability: What can be done to improve TVET students’ chances of finding work?
High-level audit of administrative datasets
History and the economy matters for artisanal skills planning
How can universities and colleges improve the alignment between education and work? A systemic, demand-led approach to skills planning and development
Institutional alignment in the knowledge economy: Lessons from Square Kilometre Array telescope
Introducing LM-EM: The linked macro-education model of South Africa
Investigating employer interaction with the Employment Services of South Africa (ESSA)
Occupational Shifts and Skills Challenges Facing the South African Economy
Pathways through university and into the labour market: Tracer study from the Eastern Cape
Public attitudes to work in South Africa
Responsiveness and employability: An argument for building interactive capabilities in technical vocational education and training colleges in South Africa
Skills supply and demand in South Africa: A 10 year forecast (2016-2025)
Smooth, staggered or stopped? Educational transitions in the South African Youth Panel Study
South African labour market micro-data scoping study
The evolution of National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) funding
Understanding labour demand in South Africa and the importance of data sources
Why changes to occupational domains matter for artisanal skills planning in South Africa