Establishing a credible mechanism for skills planning in South Africa
LMIP publications
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2016 Colloquium
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ยป Kruss, G.
Kruss, G.
Building labour market intelligence for skills planning: Recommendations from evidence
How can universities and colleges improve the alignment between education and work? A systemic, demand-led approach to skills planning and development
Institutional alignment in the knowledge economy: Lessons from Square Kilometre Array telescope
LMIP Ministerial Briefing Presentations: Session Three
Local economic responsiveness and TVET colleges: A guide to mapping TVET partnerships and Linkages
Mapping key role-players and partnerships: A design and methodology
Mapping partnerships and interactive capabilities in skills development systems: A framework and methodology guide to research
Mapping partnerships and interactive capabilities in skills development systems: A guide to conducting a sectoral overview
Mapping partnerships and interactive capabilities in skills development systems: A guide to data management and analysis
Mapping partnerships and interactive capabilities in skills development systems: A guide to fieldwork in SETAS and other sectoral intermediaries
Responsiveness and employability: An argument for building interactive capabilities in technical vocational education and training colleges in South Africa
Skills, innovation, and interactive capabilities in the astronomy sector: The case of the square kilometre array telescope
Skills, innovation, and interactive capabilities in the astronomy sector: The case of the square kilometre array telescope
Synthetic analysis on the skills development and economic responsiveness role of education and training institutions in South Africa: Towards an integrated public-private partnership strategy for skills development in the TVET college system
Understanding interactive capabilities for skills development in sectoral systems of innovation: A tentative framework